MAGAZINEFree RV & Camping GuideEXPLORE PA Magazine Explore Pennsylvania is PRVCA’s yearly RV and camping lifestyle magazine and membership directory. It is published in January. PRVCA members are listed in the magazine with their contact information, products and services. Members can request copies to display at their dealership, business or campground. In addition, the magazine is on display at Pennsylvania Welcome Centers along the turnpike, the state museum, dealerships, campgrounds and other local businesses throughout the year. It is also featured at America’s Largest RV Show in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and other RV shows. The magazine offers features on Pennsylvania travel and tourism, RVing and camping. Reach consumers interested in the RV and camping lifestyle by advertising in Explore Pennsylvania. View OnlineOrder Your FREE Copy Explore PA Magazine AdvertisingReach 45,000+ RV and camping enthusiasts by placing your ad in Explore Pennsylvania magazine, the official membership directory/buyer’s guide for the Pennsylvania Recreation Vehicle and Camping Association (PRVCA). Members receive discounted rates on advertising. PRVCA is the statewide association working to enhance the recreation vehicle and camping industry. Get connected with consumers and our members by advertising in Explore Pa. EXPLORE PENNSYLVANIA is on display at the following locations: